Predicted By Our Astrologers
This Consultation Includes:
1 Hour Live Consultation.
Discussion about major issues of life.
Remedial measures as required.
Validity of consultation for 3 months
HOROSCOPE or Birth Chart (Kundali) is a map of planetary positions at the time of one’s birth, which is very helpful to understand various aspects of one’s personality and life. Horoscope prediction is an art, which is based on the science of Vedic Astrology. An expert astrologer has deep and detailed knowledge of Vedic Astrology can only give accurate predictions.
Kundali or Horoscope is having 12 different houses and each house signifies some aspect of life. Placement of 9 planets in horoscope in different signs\ Rashi at the time of birth decides the journey of life. Kundali prediction is based on many aspects like Rashi Chart, Mahadasha, and transit position of different planets and yogas in the horoscope.
Nakshatraspeaks.com believes in serving the people. Our purpose is to provide the individuals with detailed horoscope analysis, future predictions, guidance and remedial measures as per the need of the individual. Our expert astrologer is having in-depth knowledge about Vedic Astrology. He will serve you with detailed and accurate horoscope prediction related different aspects of life like; marriage, childbirth, career, profession, finance, health related issues. He will explain you about the reasons behind your problems in life and also suggest you with Gemological and other remedial solutions.